"Obviously, you see a regime that represses its own people and spreads terror far and wide. It is a regime whose real nature has been unmasked, and it's been unmasked by incredible acts of courage by Iran citizens. They go into the streets, they face bullets and, I tell you, as somebody who believes deeply in democracy, that you see the Iranian lack of democracy at work, and I think this better explains and best explains to the entire world what this regime is truly about." These were Netanyahu's words on Sunday's Meet the Press. I can't help but scorn at his belief in democracy because we all know that this is not true. How can someone who "believes deeply in democracy" kill others over religion and land. Isn’t democracy supposed to guarantee universal rights to all human beings? I think it is ironic that someone who has stolen this right from people, is being given the platform to condemn another country’s actions.
Article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. Furthermore, no one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Clearly, Mr. Netanyahu has yet to be informed of this right and perhaps I could do him a favor and send him a copy of the document. Until he gets his shipment and for starters, here’s what he could do: before pointing fingers at Iran, he should take a quick look and examine his own actions, because it is embarrassing for anyone to speak on an issue over which they’ve lost credibility. He doesn’t want Iran to develop nuclear weapons, but what about the development of nukes in Israel? He comments on the Iranian crackdown of the protesters, but what does his government do to the Palestinians? I am a strong critic of religion, but from my understanding of the Quran and Old Testament, I feel Iran is governing its people as per Islamic teachings. Israel too justifies snatching land from the Palestinians and attributing it as a land that was promised to Jews in the Old Testament. So I see both regimes as akin. They both have violated the rights guaranteed by UDHR and they are both hypocrites; they both disgust me.
“I'll tell you what I did -- I called in these demonstrators. They happen to be representatives of a non-Jewish minority in Israel, the Druze community. They have certain protests about the financing of their municipalities. I call their leaders in, I talk to them. I said, "How can I help you?" That's what democratic leaders do, that's what democratic countries do.” I don’t think this is how Netanyahu treated the Palestinian cause.
Maybe if he had, he would have more credibility to speak on the Iran issue. But for now I see this nothing more that a hypocrite condemning what he stands for, and ridiculing himself.
*Political cartoon obtained from google search