I don’t know how to sugar coat things and will not be apologetic about my bluntness with regard to the truth. So I hope no political party leader will be threatening me to apologize; and if they are on their toes to come my direction, here’s a piece of advice, “if you don’t like what you hear about yourself, there must be something that needs fixing!”
Unfortunately, political participants in India are beyond repair and hence should retire, to make room for the pragmatic youth who are both educated and globally conscious. While they lack the experience factor, they live the problems and are aware of the solutions. Sadly, their voices get filtered through the corrupt government system, leaving them either frustrated or on the hospital bed succumbing to extortion injuries.
India is my country, and I would hate for it to be anything less than a global economic and social power. But, unless we heed to young energy and sound judgment, I do not see us making headway in anything but corruption and a failed government system.
Many citizens deem that the problems inherent are beyond repair; that no one who goes into the system is safe from the vice. Have any of these pessimists given a thought to changing this irrelevant system? This can only happen if the current players are entirely replaced by those who more reasonable and conscious of the current state of affairs. We, the citizens, have been given the power to bring about this much needed alteration.
Not wanting to tackle too many issues in one post, I’d like to draw the readers’ attention to one of the most revered parties in the state of Maharashtra- the Sena. They must obviously be loved, or why in the world would anyone in their right mind elect them? Because save for creating divides between Hindus, Muslims and the west, they have achieved very little!
For one thing, they must love the paparazzi. Sometimes I doubt if the Thackerays even form a political party, or just a group catering to media hype; because, I have not been able to connect their actions with anything that is logically sound. The recent events surrounding the IPL and Shahrukh Khan’s comment are exemplary of their preposterous ways. I recommend they take time off from public life, and catch up on some history reading. Perhaps they have forgotten that Pakistan was once a part of India, and Pakistanis are all essentially Indian and vice versa. So instead of promoting unity with our neighbor, they are clearly sabotaging the future safety of the region. Also, some fact checking on their part would do us all some good- there are more Muslims in India than there are in Pakistan. Can we deem an entire country or religion radical based on the actions of some fanatics? If yes, then how would all Hindus like to be deemed coldblooded based on senior leader Bal Thackrey’s position about Muslims? The actions of the religiously inclined political factions do not scare, but rather disgust me. As a human rights activist who has worked on the issues of ethnic cleansing and genocide, I wonder if what the Thackrey’s are stirring toward is genocide of all Muslims. I am beginning to question my impression of India as a country where tolerance, unity and diversity thrive.
Moreover, the threats to ban a movie based on Bollywood star Shahrukh Khan's stance on including Pakistani players in the IPL are wholly baseless. I salute Khan for not dislodging from his position. The Badshaah of Bollywood can be assured that I will continue to stand by him and I invite every member of society to join me. How much longer can we stomach the Sena's unjustified hatred toward Muslims and the west, and their deficient concern for urgent issues? Fortunately for us normal members of society, and unfortunately for the Sena and their alliances, the present generation of both nations comprehend the unity that is both crucial and inevitable. If the party leaders would do so much as to direct their attention, energy, and resources toward more pressing issues like poverty and unemployment eradication, population control, pedestrian safety, universal health and education, development of civil services, cracking down on corruption, and law- enforcement they would be guaranteed of my support. If they cannot do the needful, I suggest they yield the way for others who will.
This leads to another current topic that is clouding the youth in India- the ban on V-Day celebrations. While I am not a proponent of exhibiting love on any single day, I don’t believe it is anyone’s place to dictate terms for someone else. How is exchanging gifts and roses obscene? If V-day is a negative influence of the west, how would they explain the Kamasutra and the sculptures adorning the Khajuraho temples, both symbols of Indian heritage? It is ironic, that India welcomes international BPOs and their business, but when it comes to adopting the west’s social influence, there is a bold NO ENTRY! This is precisely why the ancient generation should say their farewells and make room for the pragmatically driven younger populace who would attack the real problems, instead of thriving on issues that are the product of their imagination.
On a concluding note, I’d like to reiterate, that respect by force is disrespect, whereas respect by deeds is embraced. Hope this wakes some of our snoring officials to the realization that old people need to rest, in their homes!
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